Best Level Basketball has closed the Wire Park location for renovation starting Monday, February 3rd. Sessions will resume at Athens Sports Arena on Monday, February 17th.
Quickly and efficiently serve up game-like shots on The Gun shooting machine by signing up for one of our Gun Shooting Workout slots.
Similar to getting in a batting cage for baseball or softball, you simply need to step up to the enclosed shooting workout area to focus on the rhythm and mechanics of your jump shot.
Check It Out
Being a great shooter is simply about learning the proper mechanics of shooting a basketball, and then countless repetitions to make those mechanics second nature.
The Gun rebounds for you, allowing you to maximize the number of quality shot attempts in your workout.
Basketballs are released automatically on a timer, enabling a continuous stream of passes to the shooter without the wasted time of chasing after the ball.
The machine also records each shooter’s data allowing players and coaches to get the data they need to track and evaluate their improvement.
The Gun shooting machine allows you to shoot significantly more shots within the same timeframe than other players who aren’t trained using this equipment. With constant practice on The Gun, you develop muscle memory, improve your shooting form and advance more quickly.
Participating in our Gun Shooting Workout is crucial if you aspire to become a high-level shooter! With The Gun, you can track and assess your performance with the aid of data and analytical tools. Other benefits of taking part in Best Level Basketball’s Gun Shooting Workout include the following:
The Gun Shooting Training can help players achieve their skill development goals, particularly those related to refining their shooting styles and improving their form.
It enables players and coaches to concentrate simply on shooting quickly and efficiently
During each workout, coaches and trainers can record analytics and gain real-time information.
The training gives players opportunities to get into “the zone” or achieve their “flow” as they focus only on being able to shoot a continuous stream of balls into the basket.
To get the best workout for improving your different shots and developing total concentration, register for our Gun Shooting Workout!
Sessions are open to all within the age range and limited by the number of participants in each group to allow for individual focus!